- Plants - Flowers
- Trees
- Landscapes
- Sun
- Beach
- Rainbows
- Clouds
- Pretty images - Strong Colours - Happy Tones
- Beautiful People - Models
The Beast
- Dark Rainy Clouds - Thunder & Lightening
- Mould - Fungus
- Spiders - Spider Webs
- Dirt
- Dark Images - Scary/ Creepy
- Monsters
- Rubbish - Junk - Junk Yard
- Abandoned old buildings/sheds
Ideas for What I could do for my images.
Take images of things that are seen
as either beauty or the beast/ugly
and then edit them on photoshop
to make them look the opposite
(Keith Arnatt)
People dressed up in beautiful clothes, but
pulling ugly faces.
Have three images that show something
ugly and something beautiful together
(e.g. pair of stilettos/ heels next to a
pair of muddy worker boots.
Take a photo of something (either something
ordinary - neither beautiful or ugly - or
a landscape) and then edit it twice,
so that in one image it looks dark
and horrible and then in the other
make it look beautiful.
I quite like the idea of taking photos of two things that contrast each other because I think it would be quite simple but effective.
Things I could use for my images:
- High heel shoes - Muddy Boots/Old Tattered Shoes
- Pretty Dress/Clothes - Worker Clothes (Boiler Suit/Tattered Trousers)
- Nice Hat - Old hat with holes
- Nice Gloves - Gardening Gloves
- Socks - Old Socks With holes
I could place the items where one of them suits (e.g. Muddy boots in a muddy field and then put the heels also in the field so that it stands out that the boots are muddy and that the heels aren't and they're glamorous) or i could position them where you would find them in the house (pretty dress in a wardrobe, next to the old tatty clothes, or gloves in the hallway on a shelf next to each other, or two hats on a hat stand [one old and one new] and i could have two people sat next to each other wearing socks, so one is wearing new socks and the other wearing old tatty socks).
I will experiment with different places to see which ones I prefer.
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